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Classic Kit- How to Care for Your Living Art



Place in an area of high indirect light. Generally, the more light and the closer to a light source or window, the better.


Our new ASE plastic frames come complete with a 1 cup water reservoir with drip emitters that regulate the flow of water.

Think of the soil-less media as a sponge. The drier it is, the more important it is allow the 'sponge' to re-hydrate and effectively absorb.

Your tile may take multiple reservoir fillings to reach its water holding capacity. Wait 15-20 minutes between each reservoir fill to allow the water time to move through the soil profile. Once water begins to collect in the bottom catchment, your tile is saturated.


There is an incorporated time release fertilizer that will keep your plants content for the first two months, and a monthly feeding thereafter with a liquid fertilizer of your choice is sufficient for plant health.

As a lower maintenance alternative, we also like time release fertilizer stakes. Simply slip the stakes into the media at the recommended spacing, and don't worry about fertilizing for 2-3 months!

*Average time between watering is five to eig days depending on light exposure, air movement, and plant



For shade pieces, place in an area with filtered light, or morning sun. For sun loving pieces, we recommend partial protection from hot afternoon sun.


Our new ASE frames come complete with a 2 cup water reservoir with emitters. You can "Fill It and Forget It"! and the emitters will regulate the water at just the right rate to slowly irrigate your G(art)en perfectly!

You can also easily water with a garden hose, passing over slowly , and multiple times, to allow for maximum absorption of water into the media. For lowest maintenance watering we recommend a simple drip system set up with two low pressure drip emitters attached with 1/4" drip line on a timer.


There is an incorporated time release fertilizer that will keep your plants content for the first two months, and a monthly feeding thereafter with a liquid fertilizer of your choice is sufficient for plant health.

As a lower maintenance alternative, we also like time release fertilizer stakes. Simply slip the stakes into the media at the recommended spacing, and don't worry about fertilizing for 2-3 months! 

Additional Care

As your unique living masterpiece matures and develops, it is ok to shape and groom. As with all plants, in time, new leaves and flowers replace old. It is normal to have some yellowing and perhaps drying of older leaves, or leaf tips. Simply remove, or trim as you see fit. For outdoor pieces, many of the plants are perennials and will naturally change with the seasons.

If you have a plant loss, as we all do, simply remove the plant with the root ball, clean out any soil or debris, and re-plant with a replacement following our easy to follow planting guide.

If you find that your media and plants appear, well, dry as a bone, as happens to the most attentive plant enthusiasts, don't panic! Simply lay your garden (dare we suggest) horizontal on it's back, and slowly water to a point of complete saturation. Allow to absorb for 30 minutes, then set upright to drain any excess moisture before returning vertical.

Easy, Clean, Low Maintenance, and Unique!

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